Attention cet article a été écrit avant 2020, certaines des technologies citées pourraient avoir évolué entre temps.

8 Shopify hacks for your Order Status page - generate your own code

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One of the most important questions for merchants is: When is the right time?

Knowing the right time is key to many doors, the purpose of this article is to help you take advantage of one of these "right time" moments. But before going into details, let me ask you: 

List the top 3 objectives/sub-objectives for your online store?

However, If your only objective is to sell online, then let me rephrase:

List the top 3 tactics you use to sell online?

There are many objectives/tactics beside selling online, including:

  • Drive traffic to your physical store(s).
  • Drive traffic to your blog.
  • Grow your social media followers.
  • Get people to sign up for an account on your store, to get access to your private offers (or whatever reason!)
  • Explain what is it actually they bought, and how your other products fit into the equation.


If you already have few objectives, you know how difficult it is to steal the attention of your visitors to achieve one of them, let alone having few! And you know that exploiting the right moment in your customer journey is the only way to get what you want. There are definitely few right moments out there for your business, this article will shed a light on one of them: The Shopify Order Status Page / The Shopify Thank you page.

Once your customers order on your website, they'll get redirected to the built-in Shopify order status page or the "Thank you" page. That moment is a precious one in the Shopify customer journey, because here is what your customer looks like at this moment:

  • Excited about the new purchase
  • Having total trust in your brand
  • Open to any piece of info you may have to offer.


So instead of saying just "Thank you for your purchase", you can take it a step further and do much more.


    Before your start: We added trackable events to our generated forms

    If you use one of the generated forms below, then you'll be able to track the clicks in your google analytics account.

    Our code is instructed to send data back to your google analytics as custom events, here is how to access the data:

    Track interaction events when using our generated code on your Shopify order status page



    Add a photo with an optional link

    This is the most generic action you can take. You can simply present a visual asset to your customers and add a link to a specific page or even a blog. The sky is the limit for this one, you can think of many use cases, here a few from us:

    • Present your physical store(s).
    • Present your blog.
    • Drive traffic to social media
    • Introduce your loyalty/sponsorship program.
    • Explain how this product fits into the big picture of your collection.

    Follow the instructions here, and generate your own code.


    Embed a video

    Instead of using an image you can add a video for more impact.

    One of the use cases could be a "thank you" video from the founder? that would leave a very memorable impression and would probably guarantee loyalty.

    Follow the instructions here, and generate your own code.


    Ask your clients to register for an account

    You may have few perks for those who sign-up for an account, to name just a few:

    • Access to your referral program.
    • Access to your subscription products (for next purchases).
    • Access to private offers only customers with accounts have access to.


    Everything is explained in this article, read and generate your own version of the code, in your language.


    Embed your Instagram feed

    This solution is perfect to show your clients how awesome is your Instagram content, and ask them to follow you.

    There are many advantages, read about them and generate your code.



    The following ideas have no generation forms, if you'd like some help implementing any of them, do let us know.


    Introduce your blog

    If you have a great blog and would like to drive more traffic to it and maybe get more newsletter followers. You can simply show few articles and let your clients read if they are interested.


    Explain what they bought

    This is very important for some brands which sell complementary products, because you may have had a compelling marketing strategy to get traffic to your website and convert them to buyers. But how many of them really understood everything they should? Maybe you'd like to:

    • Explain again what this product is exactly
    • Warn them about misuses.
    • Explain what is the next step after buying this product. Ex: the first step is to buy PRODUCT X, but after a while, they should buy PRODUCT Y etc..

    For this use case, we think presenting a visual asset would fit you the most. check the articles referenced above.


    Ask for feedback

    Understanding your clients is key to having a successful business. So you may have few questions for those who buy from your store:

    • Why they chose to buy from you instead of competition.
    • What convinced them?
    • How they found our about your product
    • etc...

    Ask to Share their Checkout

    Simply ask your client to share what they bought with friends, make it easy and accessible. Here an app that can help you.



    Hope these hacks help your business grow and prosper

    Studio Zerance