Zerance Diaries

Nos conseils SEO pour votre boutique Shopify - Partie 2

Nos conseils SEO pour votre boutique Shopify - Partie 2

Comment procéder à une migration de plateforme de sa boutique sans que cela n'affecte son référencement Google ? Nous répondons à cette question au travers d'une analyse poussée sur les fonctionnalités SEO et de replatforming de Shopify.
L'optimisation SEO sur Shopify, comment ça marche ?

L'optimisation SEO sur Shopify, comment ça marche ?

Nous délivrons dans cet article plusieurs astuces dédiées à l'optimisation SEO de votre boutique Shopify : meta-descriptions, choix des URL, disposition des paragraphes ou encore alternate text.
Interviews with a Shopify VA - The first interview

Interviews with a Shopify VA - The first interview

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   This article is a part of series of interviews we conducted with different virtual assistants who work for Shopify store owners. We finally selected 3 interviews to publish them on our blog. The reason is simple, we noticed that many small/medium business owners require some help - at some point - running their online business, at the very least with customer support inquires. If you're interested in hiring a virtual assistant or...

Generate random numbers using liquid (shopify)

Generate random numbers using liquid (shopify)

💡 Below is our complete guide to finding your Shopify expert.💡 We also invite you to read our guide to choosing your Shopify agency.   You may have encountered a barrier while coding in Liquid, generating random numbers is almost impossible, so you had to use Javascript instead and may have had to change the logic of your interface. Did you know that you can generate numbers in SCSS? The random(param:max) is available in SCSS, unfortunately the current version of Shopify's SCSS processes is V3.2.x, which is the version before the release including this feature. Hopefully in the near future...

The Logans, 2 Shopify stores and Millions in sales.

The Logans, 2 Shopify stores and Millions in sales.

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   When we wrote the article about the 6 top ranking worldwide Shopify stores we noticed 2 new influencers entering the leagues of best ranking Shopify stores in a 6 months span. The Logan brothers Jack & Paul, mega influencers and hungry "fanboys". As it happens, both stores are built on Shopify and at least one of them is using Shopify Plus, so we decided to take a look and see what they...

4 apps used by the top ranking shopify sites

4 apps used by the top ranking shopify sites

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   We've written last week about the top 6 top rated Shopify stores and the apps they use to mange their web stores. So we also decided to check out the most common apps used by the top ranking Shopify stores this time. Keep in mind that the prices presented here should not be considered accurate as they are susceptible to change at any moment.     Here is the list.   For...

6 Top ranking Shopify stores and their apps

6 Top ranking Shopify stores and their apps

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   We wanted to see which apps are being used by the top 10 worldwide ranking Shopify stores, websites which are having millions of visits/month, and making millions in revenue. So why not take a sneak peek and see what would make you run your business better.   Following find our unordered list of sites according to their worldwide ranking, and their non-exhaustive list of apps:   1. MVMTWatches Sales...

Les meilleures solutions d’emailing et de marketing digital pour votre boutique Shopify

Les meilleures solutions d’emailing et de marketing digital pour votre boutique Shopify

Cet article vise à recenser les divers outils de marketing digital contribuant à l'optimisation des boutiques Shopify : campagnes d'emailing, pop-ups ou intégration de Facebook Messenger.
Shopify Facebook Shop : explication et mode d'emploi

Shopify Facebook Shop : explication et mode d'emploi

On le sait : les réseaux sociaux sont devenus des canaux de ventes incontournables pour les boutiques Shopify. Parmi ceux-ci, la marketplace de Facebook constitue un excellent moyen d'optimiser son votre Shopify Facebook Store.