Zerance Diaries

8 Shopify hacks for your Order Status page - generate your own code

8 Shopify hacks for your Order Status page - generate your own code

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   One of the most important questions for merchants is: When is the right time? Knowing the right time is key to many doors, the purpose of this article is to help you take advantage of one of these "right time" moments. But before going into details, let me ask you:  List the top 3 objectives/sub-objectives for your online store? However, If your only objective is to sell online, then let me rephrase:...

Interviews with a Shopify VA - Our conclusion

Interviews with a Shopify VA - Our conclusion

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   This article is a part of series of interviews we conducted with different virtual assistants who work for Shopify store owners. We finally selected 3 interviews to publish them on our blog:  The first interview. The second interview The third interview The reason behind these interviews is simple, we've come across many small/medium size companies who have a very limited resource, the most precious of them all, TIME. Let' be honest, you...

Interviews with a Shopify VA - The third interview

Interviews with a Shopify VA - The third interview

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   This article is a part of series of interviews we conducted with different virtual assistants who work for Shopify store owners. We finally selected 3 interviews to publish them on our blog.  The reason is simple, we noticed that many small/medium business owners require some help - at some point - running their online business, at the very least with customer support inquires. If you're interested in hiring a virtual assistant or...

Interviews with a Shopify VA - The second interview

Interviews with a Shopify VA - The second interview

💡 Check out our Complete Guide on how to choose your Shopify Agency properly (french)👉 We also invite you to read our Guide on how to choose a Shopify expert (french)   This article is a part of series of interviews we conducted with different virtual assistants who work for Shopify store owners. We finally selected 3 interviews to publish them on our blog.  The reason is simple, we noticed that many small/medium business owners require some help - at some point - running their online business, at the very least with customer support inquires. If you're interested in hiring a virtual assistant or...

Entretien avec un AV Shopify - Conclusion

Entretien avec un AV Shopify - Conclusion

Conclusion de notre série d'entretiens menés avec des assistants virtuels de boutiques Shopify.
Entretien avec un AV Shopify – Troisième partie

Entretien avec un AV Shopify – Troisième partie

Cet article s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une série d’entretiens réalisés avec différents assistants virtuels de boutiques Shopify. Cet entretien est le troisième des 3 que nous avons choisi de publier sur notre blog.
Les frères Paul, 2 boutiques Shopify et des centaines de millions de chiffre d’affaires.

Les frères Paul, 2 boutiques Shopify et des centaines de millions de chiffre d’affaires.

Nous tentons ici de comprendre les causes de l'extraordinaire succès qu'ont connus les boutiques Shopify de Logan et Jake Paul, deux youtubers américains, qui ont su tirer profit de leur célébrité et de Shopify pour fructifier leur business.
9 Shopify sites to learn from

9 Shopify sites to learn from

💡 Découvrez notre Guide Complet pour bien choisir votre Agence Shopify 👉 Nous vous invitons également à lire notre Guide sur comment choisir un expert Shopify   Here is a new list of Shopify stores and this time the selection is based on aesthetic criteria: design, UX & photography. The order of the sites in the list has no indication or preference, we just had to start somewhere :). 1. Glitty Glitty sells quality wooden iCases/Covers. In their design, they are aiming for: Minimalism Simplicity These aspects will become clear to you once you see that they only have few pages: Home,...

8 systèmes de parrainage dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour votre boutique Shopify

8 systèmes de parrainage dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour votre boutique Shopify

Nous vous proposons ici d’examiner une liste de 8 boutiques e-commerce ayant su tirer profit de la puissance d'attraction des campagnes de parrainage et fidélisation.